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Found 8209 results for any of the keywords to coax adapter. Time 0.009 seconds.
WaveGuide Coax Adapter - Cmpter Electronics Co., Ltd.WaveGuide to Coax Adapter Operating DC from 26.5GHz to 40GHz, We have seires 2.4mm, 2.92mm and SMA type
RF Coaxial Adapters - Cmpter Electronics Co., Ltd.CMPTER focus on design & manufacture 1.0mm Adapter, 1.85mm Adapter, 2.4mm Adapter, 2.92mm Adapter, 3.5mm Adapter, SMA Adapter, N Adapter, TNC Adapter and BNC Adapter
RF Microwave Components - Cmpter Electronics Co., Ltd.CMPTER focus on RF parts, RF cables, RF connectors, RF adapters, RF attenuators, like 1.0mm, 1.85mm, 2.4mm, 2.92mm, 3.5mm, SMA and N-type
Company - Cmpter Electronics Co., Ltd.Cmpter Electronics is Professional desiger and manufacturer of RF Coaxial Connectors, Precision connector, RF Adapters and Cable Assembly for applications in the datacom/telecom, automotive, instrumentation aerospace and
Cmpter Electronics Co., Ltd.We are committed to providing a high performance, reliable connection RF coaxial products
RF Coaxial Attenuator - Cmpter Electronics Co., Ltd.Fixed RF attenuator 1.85mm, 2.4mm attenuator, 2.92mm attenuator, 3.5mm attenuator, SMA attenuator and N-type attenuator, Standard attenuation values of 3, 6, 10, 20 and 30 dB are available from STOCK
RF Accessories - Cmpter Electronics Co., Ltd.Glass Bead Assembly, Hermetic Beads, RF connector pins, RF connector dust cap and protective cap
RF Tools - Cmpter Electronics Co., Ltd.RF Tools, SMA Torque Wrench, 2.92mm Torque Wrench, 3.5mm Torque Wrench, 1.0mm Torque Wrench
RF Coaxial Connectors - Cmpter Electronics Co., Ltd.CMPTER focus on design & manufacture 1.0mm Connector, 1.85mm Connector, 2.4mm Connector, 2.92mm Connector, 3.5mm Connector, SMA Connector, N Connector, TNC Connector, BNC Connector and MCX Connectors
Precision RF Test Cables - Cmpter Electronics Co., Ltd.CMPTER focus on Manufacture RF Cable assembly & RF Pigtails 1.0mm, 1.85mm, 2.4mm, 2.92mm, 3.5mm, SMA, N-type, TNC, TNCA, MCX and MMCX
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